Locals recommend

Bree Hartley

Bree has been a practitioner of the arts (music and theatre) since childhood with family singing, early music lessons and opportunities to take part in childhood stage shows.

Cathie Travers

Cathie’s talent has seen her featured as a composer, performer, and musical director for numerous theatre and dance works as well as ensemble and orchestral performances around Australia, Asia, USA, Canada, and the UK.

Rachel John

Rachel is the founder and musical director of the vibrant Classic Sounds Orchestra Association, that in 2017 was the recipient of the prestigious Australia Day award for Active Citizenship.

Trudi Pollard

Trudi was named Festival Artist of 2016, recognizing their outstanding contributions and leadership in the arts.

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The City of Armadale acknowledge the Traditional Owners and the Custodians of the land upon which we stand, work and play.

We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Peoples of this land and their connection to the lands and the waters, as they are part of them spiritually and culturally.

We acknowledge their ancestors, the Elders past and present, who have led the way for us to follow.